A workers’ compensation attorney will handle all the legal details for you. They know the negotiating tactics that insurance companies use, and they can tilt the scales in your favor.

Injuries are stressful, but dealing with your claim can add a new layer of stress. Having an advocate on your side can make all the difference.

They Can Fight for You if Your Claim is Denied

There are some reasons why your workers’ compensation claim may be denied. Insurance companies may contest that your injury or illness did not occur in the workplace, it was a pre-existing condition, or you failed to file your claim within the designated time.

An experienced workers compensation attorney Oregon can help you appeal the decision. This will usually involve a hearing before a workers’ compensation law judge.

They can also help you if your claim has been accepted but you receive only some of the benefits you deserve. For example, they can ensure you receive the proper temporary disability payments. They can also arrange for your lump-sum settlement to be viewed as a lifetime payment, which can eliminate or significantly reduce the offset effect.

They Can Help You Navigate the Judicial System

If you experience injuries that prevent you from returning to work or require surgery, a workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in navigating the complex system. They can also help you file third-party negligence lawsuits against other individuals and companies if their actions contributed to or caused your on-the-job injury.

If the insurance provider and your attorney cannot negotiate a settlement, the case will advance to a hearing before a workers’ compensation judge. Your attorney can provide medical evidence, perform legal research, examine witnesses, and raise objections at the hearing. Their expertise can save you time, money, and stress. They will keep working on your behalf until you receive every dollar you deserve. They can even structure your benefits, so they last well into the future if you can never return to work.

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They Can Negotiate a Lump-Sum Settlement For You

Insurance companies often try to reduce or terminate your benefits after an injury. A worker’s compensation attorney understands their tactics and can help you negotiate a lump-sum settlement for your injury.

This type of settlement typically bundles all medical expenses and lost wages into one lump sum payment that permanently closes your claim. Known as a compromise and release agreement, it may include a separate account to pay for future medical expenses.

A lawyer can ensure that the amount you receive is enough to cover your current and future expenses, and they can also make sure that any settlement is properly structured so that it doesn’t impact other types of benefits, such as Social Security disability payments. A workers’ comp lawyer can also review the terms of any settlement and provide a brief statement about it before a workers’ compensation judge approves it.

They Can Help You Get the Medical Care You Need

Workers’ comp insurance should pay for medical treatment when you’re hurt. It would help to use only the insurer’s approved physicians or providers. Your attorney can help you gather significant medical evidence to demonstrate your injury’s severity accurately.

In case of disagreement with the insurance company, they might ask you to go through an Independent Medical Exam (IME) conducted by one of their chosen doctors. A workers’ comp attorney can prepare and represent you in this process. They can also fight back against claims that your injury isn’t job-related. They can also advise you about third-party claims (such as a car accident that occurred while you were on the job). They can help you file a claim for those damages.

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They Can Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve

When you have a serious injury preventing you from returning to work, paying for your basic needs can be very difficult. If you have suffered injuries at work, seeking the assistance of a workers’ compensation lawyer can help you obtain the necessary benefits to cover your expenses and manage your daily life during the recovery period.

Some injuries are very easy to prove, such as severe lacerations or broken bone that requires surgery. But others are harder to demonstrate, such as psychological trauma or chronic pain that does not appear on X-rays. A skilled workers comp lawyer will be able to help you obtain medical evidence that supports your claim.

If you have a permanent disability, you might be entitled to receive weekly payments or a lump sum settlement. However, insurance companies may deny your claims. But with the assistance of a knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer, you can smoothly navigate the process and obtain the benefits that you are entitled to.